Episode 640

ADCs Are Still OP?

The boys discuss Patch 14.10 and the massive ADC changes for split 2, The Arena challenge, your emails, and more …

Episode 639

DuoQ is Back on the Menu!

The boys discuss Arena, Split 2 of ranked, MSI, Beginner settings tips, and more all on episode 639 of Leaguecast!…

The Arena Challenge

The boys discuss Patch 14.9, Split 2 gameplay updates, the Arena challenge, MSI, Hidden rules, and more all on episode …

Episode 367

New Player Experience

The boys discuss New player tips, an Arena challenge, LCS bo3 format, LPL fearless draft, and more all on episode …

Episode 636

Hottest League Takes

The boys discuss Vanguard, Patch 14.8, Skarner thoughts, Hot takes from Reddit, MSI thoughts, and more all on episode 636 …